Andy Whyle is the current Vice Chair of the Telford Business Board, and is about to celebrate a major milestone – being involved with the Board for a decade this September.
Day-to-day, Andy is a Sustainability Specialist at S-AW, supporting organisations to develop sustainable products and solutions, improving their environmental and business performance, whilst mitigating climate risks.
With over 30 years’ experience in sustainable manufacturing, Andy has been recognised as an IEMA Fellow and SWM Green Leader, and is a proven leading practitioner on a local, national and international basis. He’s also a co-author, visiting lecturer, an expert on the circular economy, and a multi-award winner in his sector.
He brings this expertise to the Board, sharing how businesses in Telford can change the way they live and work to create a sustainable world. He was previously the Chair of Telford’s Business Environmental Network (BESST), and is now the Sustainability Champion and Leader of the Sustainability sub-group within TBB, and also represents them within the Telford Climate Action Partnership, and the Shared Prosperity Fund working group.
Andy said, “I want businesses to understand that sustainability is not a competitive issue. Collaboration demonstrates that environmental impact reduction and business benefits are synonymous”.
“My aim for TBB is to continue to provide business intelligence to shape a sustainable future for Telford”.
“The path to sustainability is one we should take together”.
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